In situations like this, it is always important to let the victim speak. Not just to speak, but to express emotion — something which abusers try to stamp out of them. Abusers love to silence their victims — to be the ones who do all the talking, control the narrative, and use that to frame themselves as the victim.

Here is a personal message from Bloops, who was the victim of Icezer’s mistreatment throughout this whole ordeal.

It's been a conscious decision for me to not look Zeuvia in the face since the last time we talked on February 9th. Wanting space from her exclusively in the past resulted in increasingly volatile responses from, so I felt my only choice was to take a break from discord entirely for the remainder of 2023.

But after taking the time to look over so many logs during our break, it began to come clear to me that what she'd been saying to me wasn't sound in the slightest. That she'd been manipulating, gaslighting and otherwise verbally abusing me very often, and that I would continuously allow her to step on me as a result of the emotional manipulation. After realizing this, seeing her continue to inhabit the spaces I used to call home while I was forced to watch from a distance, made me realize I should report her to staff close to the end of the month, and that's when I sent the logs you see on this page.

Following her ban, I kept contact with a couple of her friends, those of which who were opposed to the ban for various reasons. This eventually led up to them badgering me into re-establishing contact with her, leading me to suddenly make the choice to deactivate (and consider deleting) my Discord account.

Despite everything, Zeuvia has continued to message me throughout my absence, pleading for me to reconsider, as she'd further attempt to drag me back down. And all I have to say for myself? She earned it. I'm done letting myself normalize the ways she verbally and emotionally abused me, being pushed down as she would walk all over me with her words. Even if the things she said to me hurt a lot in the moment, I can barely begin to care about some of it. She insists that she ruined my life, but I'm just going to step forward for myself and move on with the scars she left on me. Because there's no way I'm going to get down on myself and spiral into my own grave, I'm going to do what I can and move on for my own sake no matter what it'll take.

After all this, and finally realizing what Zeuvia did to me, It's time for me to move on and learn from this experience. I'm going to work on reshaping myself and self-improvement, because I know that's what I deserve. I already have many better friends who I know I can be myself around and genuinely not have to hold anything back for. I'm moving on, moving on to a better future for myself, unshackled by her diamond grip on me. I'm not going to swear her out, because I know better than to waste time on a dead horse of a situation. While not every part of our friendship was bad and she helped shape me up to be more emotionally mature, I know I still have a ways to go in trying to open up to people because of what's happened.

All in all? You can do better if you just let go of what's hurting you and move forward. It's not running away when you know that staying only wins you a thorn crown. This is ultimately my choice to move on, and nobody's stopping me in doing so.

To the rest of you who I've not named that've supported me thus far. Thank you.

Lastly, as an addendum. It's best I admit how frustrated the entire situation had left me, both before her ban and its aftermath.